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  • Neogene Served Gansu Provincial Hair Drug Detection Training
Neogene Served Gansu Provincial Hair Drug Detection Training


In order to strengthen the application of hair drug detection technology and improve the application skills of police, the Anti-Drug Division of the Gansu Provincial Public Security Department organized the provincial hair drug detection technology training conference on January 7, 2020. Neogene was invited to provide technical training services on site. A total of more than 20 representatives of the anti-drug departments from 14 cities and states in Gansu Province attended the meeting. 


Participants learn the theory of hair drug detection technology

The main content of this training is the theory of hair drug detection technology and the operation of related equipment. At the meeting, Dr. Mingfu Li from Neogene made a report entitled "Research and Promotion of Hair Drug Detection Technology", which introduced the principles, advantages, technical route comparisons, market status and problems encountered during the promotion of hair drug detection technology. Xiaolei Mao, Neogene's sales engineer, explained the operation process of hair drug detection equipment and the technical problems often encountered in actual combat. Subsequently, representatives of anti-drug departments conducted on-site operation learning of the equipment.


Participants learn the operation of hair drug detectors

 Through this training, the representatives of the 14 anti-drug departments in Gansu Province have basically mastered the technical principles of hair drug detection and the operation of equipment, which has laid a good foundation for the promotion of hair drug detection technology in the whole province.
